Bâtonnage Forum 2020 - Let’s Dive In


The world is an uncertain place these days and we know all of you have had a curve ball (or many) thrown at you in recent days and weeks … BUT there is a silver lining in that challenging times can make communities stronger than ever. With this in mind, as we shelter in place separately, we’ve thought about more ways we can bring our Bâtonnage family closer together. 

Though we may be guilty of wearing the same thing for the past nine days, we remain dedicated to bringing you an amazing day with the 2020 Bâtonnage Forum, bringing inspirational speakers and important topics to the table that will get conversations MOVING. Since most of us are practicing social distancing and keeping 6 feet (and probably more) apart, we need to work even harder to stay connected, keep talking, and propel current issues forward. To help accomplish this goal, we are breathing life back into the Bâtonnage blog – pushing us all to make the conversation about women in wine a daily practice, not just a one-day event. We hope the blog will become a valuable resource to you, bringing together many voices and perspectives, as well as filling you in about what to expect at this year’s forum. First item of business is a concept new to this year’s forum and one that we are particularly passionate about - breakout sessions

Why breakout sessions? We listened to what you all had to say over the past two years and the message was clear: many had a strong desire to dive deeper into big issues and to be a part of more intimate gatherings, which would facilitate open dialogue, reflection, and collaboration. With so many forums and workshops today sharing new ideas and information all the time, it becomes difficult to siphon out what is most applicable to each of us individually. Thankfully, we have just the venue to incorporate this new element into the 2020 forum: Sonoma Broadway Farms. A working farm, the property offers a surplus of unique and beautiful spaces to host six breakout sessions simultaneously.

The breakout sessions at Bâtonnage Forum aim to create environments that foster small-group discussions between panelists and attendees, promote idea exchange and development, and offer practical and relevant takeaways that prove helpful out in the world when we return to our daily routines. These discussions are designed to be empowering exchanges of experience and knowledge, covering a range of topics relating to various sectors of the industry. Check out the list of 2020 breakout sessions below; you will have the opportunity to select which session you’d like to attend when you register for the event:

The FIZZ is Female – Bâtonnage Edition

Limiting Beliefs and the Art of Writing in the Wine Industry

Ladies, Let’s Start Talking

Money Talks, Are You Listening?

Making the Transition in the Drinks Business

Connect. Empower. Repeat: Speed Networking Session

Over the next couple of weeks, we will highlight these breakout sessions and the panelists individually to familiarize everyone with the topics that we will be diving into this year. So…here’s your homework as you stay at home: read the blog posts provided to you over the next few weeks and start narrowing in on the topic that appeals to YOU.